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9/7/2023 9:34:25 AM

Always "authentication error" whenever trying log in with Xbox or authenticate it for Cross Save

I ALWAYS keep getting this error: [quote]Authentication Error We were unable to sign you in with your Xbox Live account. Please visit and sign in to verify/update your Xbox Live account. This error usually indicates that your Microsoft account has no Xbox Live Gamertag, or that your account must be updated in some way, such as agreeing to an updated terms of use. [/quote] and I dont even know exactly why? My Microsoft account is fine, I put in all my passwords correctly. Even just trying to log in on Xbox here brings up this error which I don't understand at all. What I do know is that for whatever reason my account fails to appear while logged in on the main Xbox website, but it appears on Xbox Support. Everything else Xbox related works fine except for staying logged in on the Xbox website, AND logging into my Bungie account, AND authenticating it here too I hope just simply showing this on the forums fixes it

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