Bungie, I appreciate the attempt at making some fun new Crucible modes, but they're missing the mark
[b]Checkmate[/b]: A fun concept ruined by weird design decisions. Already it has become a Buddy System type of mode being that overall health is increased (which isn't stated anywhere in game but instead in the 9/14/23 TWID), where holding hands with your teammates and planking away people's health with Scouts and Pulses at the back of the map is the strategy. It's pretty much D2Y1 in all honesty, which actually would not be so bad if not for the health increase. The other thing I don't like is the existence of any abilities at all outside of your jump. Healing Grenade is so cheese for a one-time health regen because the Grenade ability by default charges much slower.
[b]Relic[/b]: A fun concept ruined by weird design decisions. Why is our DEFAULT weapon not any of the Relics but rather we have to use our regular weapons and earn the Relics? Why are we not already spawning in with a random Relic in our hands similarly to Team Scorched? I legitimately get sweated on in a mode that's supposed to be fun and less serious. I can't even pick up a Relic ffs because I just get sniped, aped with a SG, or killed by WH before I'm even able to grab it from the depot. I also don't think the Aegis Shield has any place in the mode. The Scythe and the Spear are ranged weapons, whereas the Aegis Shield is a CQ weapon, which just feels bad when you're going up against those other Relics. Personally I think the Aegis Shield should be swapped out for another Relic that has more long range capabilities. I would say the Sword from Pit of Heresy where it has the ability to launch projectiles would be a good replacement/a better fit for the mode than the Aegis Shield.
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