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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
10/7/2023 4:21:02 AM

Need help. Game will not boot up.

Tried to log in today but was met with the strangest boot up bug I've had yet in D2. Launching through Steam, the game will begin the starting animation with the geometric shapes and then very quickly boot me back to the Steam launcher. I have no idea why it's doing this all of a sudden and would really appreciate some help here. I should say this has never happened before now. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the game twice on the SSD, uninstalled a previous game I purchased on Steam to see if that caused it, I've run the game as administrator, I verified the game files several times with no error, my PC is up to date in terms of Windows 11 and the graphic card drivers and I have no Razer/peripheral software downloaded (I know Synapse has caused me issues in the past but I don't have it installed anymore).

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