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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Sapphire Protector): 11/23/2023 4:32:14 AM

My overall critique about next season changes and newest TWID.

I like the changes to the lesser used exotics and current good exotics (synthos especially). Stasis rework looking kinda cool, we'll see how those go. The ability cooldown changes are warranted after seeing how many grenades and melees fly out of everyones pants like a clownshow in PvP and its fair but, I think the changes to the mods will shift the balance of the sandbox out of line when combined with the changes to the ability cooldowns. Kickstart will become useless in PvP because there is hardly any orb generation because they require armor charge which comes from orb generating mods that will all have to be used as mandatory or none at all with the extremely long cooldowns. Also, knowing that the orb generating mods will have cooldowns I already think there will be cooldown timers that are gonna clutter the already small buff window further which is gonna give a tougher time of tracking buffs and debuffs. While such meaningful choice is necessary, having kickstart mods require armor charge makes them an entire PvE thing instead which hampers choice for what players want to play and build with which goes against your goals of providing such meaning. The other mod changes are able to be used in PvP while the kickstart change will shift it to just PvE if at all because of the changes affecting orb generation will also put a dampener on the impact kickstart mods will have too. I would have liked it if the amount of energy provided without armor charge was reduced more to like 2.5% per mod while keeping the rest unchanged or even make it require the grenade or melee to hit an opponent or using class ability within 15 meters of one like dynamo. Also, how is bonk titan unhealthy for the game? There is just as much risk involved if you were to run up to a champ to stun them with a sidearm or hand cannon until stunned. While it may not have been the original intent on bonk hammer, it has become a meme that players indulge in because it requires the titan to be next to the champ or boss to deal damage while also maintaining the damage stacks. So why not build further into that fantasy of just rapid bonking enemies up close by making the damage stacking a part of it through constant hitting with the throwing hammer? The sunspot nerf is good enough to lower the uptime of bonking, it doesn't need to be more like its original but more of what the players liked which was bonking enemies up close with utmost impunity and there was already an animation and delay to it already when bonking up close. I would also like to suggest a quality of life change to the hammer where if it hits an enemy it falls down more towards you because no matter how it lands, it ends up in a bad position anyways where it may be difficult to pick it back up before it disappears. Overall, I could say some of the stuff was warranted but some of the nerfs are just too punishing for the overall power fantasy of abilities and build crafting while also going against player sentiment of what specific power fantasies are established. I may be wrong but the "stacks" thing for outreach and bomber just means the mods used and not for armor charge. if I am wrong than you can correct me on that.

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