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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (CeeDaRula): 12/2/2023 10:05:26 PM


You know it kills me when something new comes out like the new dungeon and if you have a life and work when you go to try something for the first time all you see is KWTD, it’s like some people are too good to play with others that may not know a new raid or dungeon. You look at the app and 98% will be KWTD but are still stuck at a spot which to me means you also don’t KWTD or you would have the right weapons and strategies to beat the dungeon. Be and act like a community and let somebody in a group to play they may not know all the mechanics but have seen a video on it but just has not played it online, they may surprise you on how good they actually are. As a side note yes there are times when people need to leave for legitimate reasons like needing to go to sleep, have to go to work or take care of personal things IRL, but that’s not 98% of players.

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