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Изменено (Errant): 12/2/2023 11:37:56 PM

[NA/EU][Crossplay Discord comms] The Exodus Program is recruiting! | Great sherpa program | Endgame PVE focused

[u][b]About Us[/b][/u] [spoiler]The Exodus Program is a medium-sized clan with two branches. We have been around and playing together consistently since Shadowkeep! We are [b]not[/b] a faceless LFG server: we want you to form connections and long-term friendships with clanmates while having a roster large enough to accomplish your goals within the clan! We place a big emphasis on endgame activities like raids, dungeons, and GM Nightfalls. We pursue Destiny's harder group-oriented activities in the spirit of fun-first. Elitism and toxicity have no place in our community; we will never turn someone away because of their experience level. Maintaining a mix of veteran players and those taking their first steps into Destiny's endgame creates a better environment for everyone in our community. We do our best to accommodate the needs of both groups and all those in between! We are active starting from NA afternoons/EU evenings and maintain players online deeper into the night! Our roster consistently farms raids and on dungeons on release! We’ve already started on Warlord’s Ruin and would love to bring you along for the ride!/spoiler] [spoiler] • An active, well-maintained Discord server for communication and grouping. • Help with builds! We get [b]nerdy[/b] about Destiny's loot and metagame. • Guide runs for all content! We love helping people do their first raids! Our sherpa team has over [b]1300[/b] sherpa clears of various raids! • Community events with a chance to win some cool prizes! • A veteran roster and a culture of helping newer players succeed in endgame activities! [/spoiler] [u][b]What We Are Looking For[/b][/u] [spoiler] • A willingness to take part in the community! Particularly in voice chats. The activities most of our roster prefers to play need voice comms! • Members who WANT(very key word!) to play endgame activities! You do not need experience in these activities to join our clan. We can get you where you want to be as long as you are willing to try! • Age-wise, our members tend to be over 18. Recruits should either be of that age or act like it. • Our focus will always be on the latest content. You will have a better time in our community if you own the most recent expansion and content. [/spoiler] [u][b]How to join[/b][/u] [spoiler]Upvote this thread and reply with your favorite weapon is this season! An admin will DM you a link to our Discord! [/spoiler]

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