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2/6/2024 7:39:16 PM

HBB is actively recruiting guardians of all experience levels [21+]

Hellas Basin Brewery is currently opening its ranks to those who wish to learn, grow, and hone their skills. New lights taking their first steps in the cosmodrome, returning lights, and/or veterans are all welcome to apply, as we support learning in all aspects of Destiny 2 and have a dedicated community ready to guide, teach, and walk alongside you as you freshen up or advance in your D2 journey. In return, we only ask that you bring a positive attitude and a growth mindset that allows for meaningful learning and interactions. [b]i. Looking to learn new skills or experience new activities?[/b] HBB has a dedicated sherpa program consisting of multiple clan members for those wanting to learn a new raid, complete a seal, and/or gain overall experience in the game. [b]ii. Our expectations/requirements[/b] [b]New Lights:[/b] Be active, willing to engage, and ready to learn from the sherpas…whatever you may want to accomplish, we can guide. [b]Returning Lights:[/b] Depending on your hiatus, you may have a little (or a lot) to catch up on… let us know what you missed and what you want to get caught up on. [b]Veteran Lights:[/b] Be willing to learn different methods of playing and use your knowledge to potentially assist in guiding new and returning lights in their journey. -Have discord: this is our means of communication and how you will interact with the clan -Have all DLCs: so that you can be ready for any activity in the game -No cheese strats/checkpoint trading (the only exception is Riven) -Do not engage in LFG without first pinging/interacting with the clan: we are a close knit community that values intra-clan interactions first and foremost -21+: (if you cannot handle adult humor or interactions, this will not be the place for you) If you are still interested, head over to our clan page and drop an application:)) [i]My life is already being consumed by Destiny 2, For Honor, work, and the MCAT… AND helldivers 2 comes out on Thursday… goodbye grass, I will forever relish your memory- Ripper[/i]

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