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Изменено (Guardian3089): 2/14/2024 8:00:23 AM

Can't add friends after removing friends

earlier this week I had tried to add someone after they sent me a friend request and I couldn't accept it in game, and it wouldn't go away but I didn't know why after deciding to check the app (idk how I would've known this without the app) I found out my friends list was full at 108 friends*, and after trying to add them in app and getting a notification anyways, I now have 100 friends and it still doesn't allow me can I please know the max friends I can have?, and why some players still pop up on my friends list even though they aren't my friends (if you want to know more pls ask me in dms because it seems to be a specific account) Edit: it seems that this is an app problem as i can remove people in game, I've changed the tag accordingly

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