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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/8/2024 4:53:14 PM

I WANT to play Gambit: Class vs Class. Is it literally just me and 4 other console players right now?

20 minutes in matchmaking queue (I timed it) without a match. (that's 2 mongoose errors) Strange way to juice engagement numbers? I kid I kid, I know Bungie wouldn't do this on purpose. But seriously. Are there literally a total of 5 people who want to play gambit right now, including me? I can't believe that's true. What's going on? I WANT to play the featured focused whatever you call it activity right now so I can make progress towards my exotic skimmer. I'm actively trying! I think it's just not possible tho? I'll try again but I will give up eventually.

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