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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
3/8/2024 5:59:24 PM

Hunters will win the current (March 8 mid-day) focus, and it sucks because...

I tried to queue as a hunter, believe that they would win and I wanted to win too. But I couldn't get a match. Matchmaking always failed. So I switched to warlock, hoping that maybe warlocks had a chance. Turns out, they don't. So either: a) you run hunter and hope that maybe matchmaking works for you (must be working for someone!) and you get a match that - whether you win or lose - means you get a winner's reward package, or b) don't bother. you won't win. Waste of time. Hunters currently have more points than Titans and Warlocks [i]combined[/i].

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