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5/20/2024 9:46:28 AM

I got banned for no reason - Support not answering

Dear Destiny community, I have been a supporter since Destiny 1 got released, and I have invested a lot of love and passion into Destiny 2. (also money) I don't think I ever did something slightly bad or irresponsible that could've banned me, but I believe the reason I was completely banned without any caution or warning is that I had a poor network connection. My connection wasn't even that bad. I only got error codes before that. But It didn't tell me that it was a warning and I could get permanently banned for this. Not even a month ago we got into a contract with a new internet provider and it turned out that their quality is really bad which caused me to lagg in games a lot. Even my download rate goes down to 1MB to 12 every once in a while. When I had the internet provider before nothing ever happened connection wise. And I never got into any restriciton in generaly while playing Destiny. Do you have any clue what to do? Since the support didn't answer my ticket for about 2 weeks. And I still got no reason why I got banned for. Kind regards, Enoo-o3o
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