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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (DarkFlameJennifer): 5/29/2024 9:12:27 PM

Some ideas for Destiny 2

Hi, first, I was in neptune and I noticed that when you land, right behind you, there is a lounge and I noticed that it looked like a house. So I thought “but why doesn't destiny make a small space in its ship where we can invite friends and modify it to make it look like a house in space?” I would love it as an idea and especially for clans or destiny couples. And secondly, pets, come on, that would be awesome! You go into orbit, enter your “home” and find your little dog or kitten who is happy to see you again. Or, a pet that follows you into war with perhaps its own power ups and life. Really, that would be nice haha What do you think?

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