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6/8/2024 1:11:21 AM

Title/triumphs bugged and now i can't equip the (legacy) title i earned

I earned the wishbearer title last season. The game also acknowledges that i earned the title (which is now a legacy title) and i was able to equip it last season. But after the drop of "The Final Shape" all of a sudden, i cannot equip the title. The game still says i have the title completed but when i go to check the triumphs, it says 1 of my triumphs for the title is 1 step behind completion (even though i completed all triumphs last season), the game gives me the option to equip the title but it won't equip it when i try to. Has any1 else experienced this? And is it possible for support to fix this? I am confused and kind of upset because now i cannot use the title anymore.

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