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6/8/2024 2:48:43 AM

Help!! - Silver

Hi, My Neice came over and jumped on my PS5. Loaded up Destiny for her as she likes running around shooting things on a random destination I chuck her in. Left her unattended for about 30 mins, I assume she made her way to the item store 🤦🏼 checking out the cool items. Proceeded to…. And idk how. Purchase silver and buy a few bits. Keep in mind my niece is 7 and doesn’t really use a console apart from when she is at my house. Now….. she didn’t spend a crazy amount but enough for me to be like… damn. Bungie doesn’t have a contact system and I’d like the money back but she spend the silver. Do I take the L or charge back…. If I do charge back I have no issue being put in the minus with my silver as I would rather have the money. However will I be banned for this as I would have to charge back via my bank because Bungie doesn’t offer refunds for silver :)

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