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Изменено (Troll of Trolls): 6/16/2024 5:13:39 PM

: ̗̀➛ Explore New Wonders With The AOTB!

[b][u]Fellow Guardians[/u][/b] The endless battle against the Witness is finally over. Now, new crusades are in the horizon. New secrets to unfold in Nessus and strange behavior from Vex have emerged. The AOTB is here to exploit these new mysteries. [b][u]The AotB?[/u][/b] [i]The Accusers of the Brëthrën[/i] centralizes in helping out and have fun to the fullest extent. We forge and welcome all new and veteran light bearers to our [b][i]Discord[/i][/b] community server. [b][u]What we offer![/u][/b] ✰ Active PvP and PvE LFG channels ✰ Sherpas with experience background to teach all raids and dungeons ✰ Immense in game clans to join ✰ Fellow light bearers across from all time zones and regions ✰ Monthly in game challenges to show off your prowess and earn rewards ✰ Dedicated channels to engage with community about other things outside Destiny [b][u]Requirements to join?[/u][/b] [b]1.[/b] Simply follow this link and join our Discord Server -> [url=][/url] [b]2.[/b] Once joined, acknowledge our Server rules and register by using Charlemagne to finish onboarding [b]3.[/b] A fellow mod will assist you shortly to ensure completion and give Server accessibility [b][u]I have a question…[/u][/b] If you have any questions please reach out to this post or send a DM to… [b][i]trollyravoili[/i][/b] …on [b]Discord[/b]. So join us on this new adventure with our favorite AI Failsafe and collect radiolaria in closer to unearth answers. Deuces! [quote]Rasputin died?! We found Neptune?! The fifteenth wish?! Stasis?! Strand?! FISHING?!![/quote]

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