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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (ratajack): 6/18/2024 10:46:46 AM

Frost Armour bad, Bungo fix plz

Im curious why max stacks of frost amour only gives you a 35% damage reduction (8 stacks), when woven mail gives you 45%. To get the 35% you also need the whisper of rime fragment or else you're stuck at 22% damage reduction (5 stacks.) It's also really frustrating that woven mail seems to be easier to get (orb pick-ups, exotics and some fragments.) Not to mention that its almost impossible to get 8 stacks of frost amour on Titan with rime because your tectonic harvest goes on cooldown after 6 crystal shatters. The only reason I think these stats are the way they are is because stasis shards are shared across players, unlike the other pickups. If your whole fireteam creates stasis shards then you could have max stacks of frost armour indefinitely, which is cool. The issue is that if you are the only person on the team making stasis shards then you are playing on a subclass that is weaker without help from other players' stasis shard generation. I'm just confused as to why stasis shards are the only pickup that is shared. It feels disheartening when you take a while to build up 8 stacks and then a strand titan can just throw a tangle at its feet to get 10% more resilience than you instantly. My main issue is that stasis is the only subclass that is weaker when only one person on the team is running it and the issue seems to stem from shards being shared so just make them a local-only resource like the other ones and then buff the resistance and decrease the shard creation cooldown time. It seems stupid to have a big headache trying to balance this because of the potential of the whole fire team abusing stasis shard creation when you fix the issue by making it like the other pick-ups. Main points: •Make stasis shards local only resource not shared •buff damage resistance on frost armour

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