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Изменено (HeXeKorb): 6/17/2024 12:57:18 AM

Possible Light Memory Vistage Glitch

To start off, I deleted a legendary light vistage because it had seemed i already had it or the chest wouldn't appear and had 10 rare ones left over. They wouldn't convert. I then deleted all of those stacks and got more and couldn't convert. 1-3 weeks later I'm still trying to get those blue ones to drop and have been soft locked into getting those fragments since. This is making the new prismatic much less enjoyable since now I don't have half of them unlocked. Does anyone know how to fix this? Edit: I have researched and am not able to get the Facets of, Dominance, Generosity, and Awakening because of this bug/issue and two of which I require for my builds.

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