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6/17/2024 11:00:51 PM

Constantly getting the SPINACH Error Code

Hello, I´m currently doing the Lightfall Campaign to catch up and i´m constantly getting kicked out into the orbit with the promp "u are back in the Orbit, if this Issue persists look up SPINACH Error code at" and well, yeah, it persists a lot!! In the last couple of hours I got kicked around 8-9 times and always had to do the same -blam!- again and again because I lost my mission progress from my last checkpoint onwards... I restarted my PC, I restarted my Router, of course I looked up the Error Code which says nothing to be honest (it refers you to the next page where nothing really tells you anything regarding your error but only all -around-sh** which ain´t helping the exact issue) and if it does say something then I can say I don´t understand any of that sh**. I paid my money to pLaY this game, so I would be very happy if I get the opportunity to do so. Sorry for the toxic slang but I´m just exhausted and mad from this situation and I would like some help to resolve this issue!! What can I do to actually play the game? Thank you for your help in advance!

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