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Изменено (Neyorik): 6/18/2024 1:28:22 PM

Pale Heart Pathfinder Reward bugged?

Good morning guardians, I just completed my third pathfinder for the week this morning and I was eager to get my third Ergo Sum but upon collecting my rewards I noticed as I pressed the button to claim the "(# remaining)" prompt said 0. I thought it was a glitch since this was my third time running through the pathfinder but when I didn't get the sword I started digging. I search the Lost City Postmaster as well as the Tower Postmaster and nothing was there. I still had a energy slot open to receive the sword but nothing. I was hoping to get my third Ergo Sum this week. I just wanted to post this as a little PSA that the Pale Heart Pathfinder past the second reset might be bugged. Cheers,

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