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Изменено (VeryIntenz): 6/12/2024 1:47:06 PM

High FPS yet the game constantly stutters.

Ever since I built my new computer last November I've been experiencing stuttering issues in Destiny 2 while achieving high framerates in general, however I see drops in 1% lows consistently. To clarify, the general framerate is a constant 200+ and the 1% lows very between 160 - 180 and suddenly drop to 100 or below. To clarify further, here's my specs below: - MSI X670E Carbon Wifi motherboard - AMD Ryzen 9 7900X (non-OC, nothing odd) - 2x32GB G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo @6000Mhz CL30 - Nvidia RTX 4080 Super (before this I had a 3080 in this system, the issue was exactly the same) - Samsung 990 Pro 2TB drive What I've tried so far is tweaking my Nvidia control panel settings to always use maximum power in the game, I've had both VSync and GSync on and off in the past, disabled the Nvidia Frameview SDK, installed the game on a different drive (Samsung 980 Pro) and updated my BIOS to the latest stable version: 7D70v1F I've read several things regarding turning off Shader Caching in the control panel which ultimately seemed ill advised and disabling Windows Defenders' Control Flow Guard, which according to many is also ill advised. These are the only methods I have not tried, the latter of which would cause security issues so I rule this out as a complete no-go. Does any one else currently experience these issues still, and have you found a fix for it? I'd be eternally grateful if you could help me out and have a smooth experience again! Update 12/06/2024: I've managed to find a very random fix on Youtube that worked for someone with the same issue. The fix is to simply go Offline in your Steam friendslist, yes it's that simple, and it's relieved me off all stuttering.

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