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5/29/2024 9:09:18 PM

constant cabbage error, along with spinach and crashes

ever since Monday during any activity (started happening in trials) I've been experiencing cabbage errors, i black screen when arriving to a destination and am kicked out to orbit, and occasionally my game completely closes (Xbox series x) I don't lose connection to people, I can see them running around just in-game things don't update, like just now the final boss of warlords ruin was stuck on top of the blight when I lagged out I am playing in the UK if that helps with server side stuff, the game is now borderline unplayable as it seems to come in bursts, just managed to do the entire final boss of warlords ruin without an issue, then repeated it on a dif character and couldn't get past first phase before I am kicked out (crashed this time) and sitting in the connecting screen the cabbage error help does not work, I cannot configure the firewall of my network (Vodafone) there are no options to alter it I've also had spinach and bird error codes pop up. I have tried restarting my router, my WiFi extender, using ethernet and not using ethernet, resetting up network on Xbox, I am at a loss. please help i haven't experienced this in my 3000 hours

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