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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (jorge40Rgm): 6/25/2024 11:09:40 PM

Golden Tricorn is useless with Stasis

Golden Tricorn is supposed to work/activated when getting a grenade or melee kill with the subclass matching that weapon. Well,for Stasis it’s lacking that grenade damage,Stasis in itself doesn’t have an direct damage grenade unlike the Light subclasses do,the stasis grenades are basically purely utility. Glacier Grenade is the only one that procs Golden Tricorn. Cold snap freezes on ‘Impact’ ,not killing, and Duskfield too damn slow for anything except itself,they don’t actually kill the target they just do their thing. We need a new Stasis grenade that is not purely for utility,like what the Light subclasses have on their own. Also,it’s pretty much pointless to use one on Prismatic Warlock and Hunter since they don’t have the Glacier Grenade. Amazing! Yes,I actually went out my way to test this a regular player.😒 Fix this or get us a new Stasis grenade. It’s underwhelming. Please!

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