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Изменено (Blue_Meanie): 6/25/2024 7:41:38 PM

Issue: Ikora & Quest tab flashing

Hoping for some help with a graphical issue I'm having: PLATFORM: Steam SYSTEM INFO: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7800XT RAM: 16.0 GB GPU Driver Version: 31.0.24033.1003 OS Version: Windows 11 ISP Provider/Speed (upload/download) / Connection Type (LAN or wireless): DxDiag: ISSUE: Ikora at the tower and quests tab flash as if there is something to pick up/new quest step but neither of them have anything to show. It's very annoying having it constantly flash. This started yesterday, not sure why. EXPECTED RESULT: If no items or quests are available, it shouldn't flash as if there is something there. LINKS:

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