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6/27/2024 6:31:04 PM

Echoes Engrams Being Deleted When Focusing Armor

PLATFORM: Xbox ISSUE: When decoding Echoes engrams into focused armor engrams they are deleted with no armor given. REPRODUCE STEPS: 1. Obtain Echoes engrams 2. Progress Echoes Act 1: A Familiar Voice to part 6 to unlock the Failsafe vendor on the H.E.L.M 3. Decrypt engrams into the armor focused engrams NOT SPECIFIC PIECES OF ARMOR ACTUAL RESULT: Engrams are deleted with no armor given and are not sent to post master EXPECTED RESULT: Engrams should decrypt and give armor pieces NOTES: Do not progress the quest past part 6 so you can replicate it exactly LINKS: Secondary video showing nothing in post master:

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