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6/29/2024 1:13:35 AM

Help us help failsafe!

Here at AOTB (Accusers of the Brethren) we love failsafe, though, with possible threats on the horizon we require your assistance to keep it safe! We aren't just a community but we're friends and family here. Here is a lot of what we offer: Active PvP and PvE LFG channels Experienced, knowledgeable, and professional Sherpas for all Raids and Dungeons Monthly Challenges and rewards Helpful tutorials and Destiny resources Players on all platforms (Xbox, PlayStation and PC) Members from all time zones Dedicated and friendly Moderation staff Other than Destiny channels to meet new people and friends! How to join: join the discord (--> and then register your account with the D2 bot charlegmagne, after that all you need to do is acknowledge the rules and you're good! If you have any more questions feel free to message Accuser, Dream Witch, or any of our other knowledgeable staff and we'll try to help you out! Help us fight this war with the cabal on mars.

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