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7/1/2024 4:36:37 PM

Voice Chat + Parental Controls: Unlinking/removing child (over 13)

Bungie folks, please help me with this: Due to the new Parental Controls introduced this April requiring age verificaiton, my child has not been able to use in-game voice chat on PS4 playing Destiny 2. It defaults to "OFF", with no option to change. Even after setting up KWS and parental verification, and with "Allow chat/voice " checked on, it will not allow voice chat. All age restrictions are removed, his PS account is fully updated, all privacy setting on PS and Bungie set to "Allowed". PS4 cache has been cleared. Different headsets have been tried, as well as logging on to other consoles. No Go. Your parental support page states "Responsible adults can unlink a child’s account from their own account at any time". WHERE do I do this? And would this fix it? Losing my mind, here. What am i missing?

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