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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Psyche): 7/2/2024 5:44:30 PM

An idea one fixing titan prismatic

First, thanks for fixing ripostes rolls, don't know if my last post contributed at all but thank you all the same. Now about titan prismatic, ive put some thought into it and firstly i think thrusters should work with all class items. I think it would add some nice flow and build craft. You could use thrusters and put an ice wall up ,but the wall would also sends out a wave of fire; not the most insane thing but it would be fun. Secondly and more controversial, replace knockout with touch of thunder. Knockout is fun but doesn't really synergize imo with prismatic, just adds occasional extra melee damage. With a touch of thunder you could add arc properties to all the grenades. Pulse would be like it is now and send out ion traces, solar would have intrinsic jolt. Void could gain the ability to blind since that grenade is already similar to that roll. Suspend could make you amplified for suspending enemies and glacier nade could gain a storm similar to storm grenades that breaks the crystals. I don't know how hard it would be to make this a reality but it would be really cool with lots of synergy potential. Anyways that was just an idea I thought would make titan fun on prismatic, thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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