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7/3/2024 11:28:16 PM

Looking for a *small* clan!

Hello! I would love to do some end game content, learn about raids and dungeons, and just have some consistent people that are willing to hop on and have fun. I’ve been playing Destiny since D1 and am a fairly active player. I have never had people to play Destiny with, so I would love a clan that is smaller so that I don’t get overwhelmed with chats and such.

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  • [quote]Hello! I would love to do some end game content, learn about raids and dungeons, and just have some consistent people that are willing to hop on and have fun. I’ve been playing Destiny since D1 and am a fairly active player. I have never had people to play Destiny with, so I would love a clan that is smaller so that I don’t get overwhelmed with chats and such.[/quote] Hello There! Rogue Legion of Guardians is looking for active members. We are a clan of friendly and helpful members. We have been around for 4 years We are a USA clan with members from around the world. States/UK/Dubai and so on (So there's always someone on to play with.) We're an Xbox clan but now that crossplay is enable every console is welcomed. All our members are friendly, English speaking and active. Weekends may vary due to family commitments. (Real life priorities come first) We are looking for adult (18+) members to join our clan. We’re an active clan, seeking all game activities. ******CLAN REQUIREMENTS****** *You MUST be 18+years old to join our clan* *You MUST have a mic for communication* *Discord is a MUST for communication* *Must be active at least 1 or 2 days a week* Failure to respect others in the clan or offend them in any personal way will result in your removal from the clan. Enjoy and be helpful so others will be helpful to you! Our admins, Founder and Members are always at hand to help should you need support in an activity or quest line. Simply ask in game/discord and wait for a member to join. <<IMPORTANT>> If you are inactive for an extended period, simply let our Founder know or you will be removed after approx. 4 weeks. We try and keep active players to ensure you have someone to play with. Please note we have different time zones

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