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7/6/2024 4:11:58 AM

Join the Nine today

Warpriests of the Nine is a laid back clan looking for active members to play Destiny with and send the Witness to the Shadowlands. We are willing to bang our heads against the wall in all activities as long as we have people to fill spots. Want to do Grandmasters? We'll give it a go. Dungeons? We'll do those. Raids? If we get 6 people and a set timeframe we'll go at em. Whatever the activity is we'll give it a go. While we identify as a laid back clan, there are a handful of Warpriests community standards that we would like everyone to abide by. The first few are simple, and are also all are zero tolerance: -18+ only. -No harassment, discrimination, racism, or degradation. -Respect everyone regardless of lifestyle. -Please keep conversations at least somewhat on the mature side. We are all adults here, and can be adults within our conversations. Please remember that both Discord and Bungie are moderated heavily by the admin team. We also require that our community maintains some level of activity. We love a chill, fun time, but we need individuals who will contribute to the group. With that said, those standards outline as follows: -Discord is a requirment. -Participate in clan activities at least one (1) time a week. -Upkeep activity in Discord by participating in polls, LFGs, clan chats, etc. -Message staff if you are expecting to be away from the game for more than two (2) weeks. Unexplained absence will result in removal from the group and you must appeal to a member of the Bridge Crew for readmittance. These rules are subject to change and the Bridge Crew will alert everyone via a pinged announcement to review and accept any new updates to the rules. Take to the Stars, Guardians. Let's unmake the Witness together.

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