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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (XxDarkScopezxX): 7/6/2024 12:17:14 PM

The Exotic Class Item grind does not have to be this painful

The grind for exotic class items can be extremely (probably an exaggeration) painful, and it does not need to be. Everyone wants that perfect (subjective) god roll. I know that the focus is to have players go through Dual Destiny for a guaranteed drop, but players who do not enjoy LFG have another option. While I understand the need to maintain player engagement and enjoy a trip down the D1 memory lane, farming chests for materials, RNG can be very cruel when you farm chests for all three waves of Overthrow and get nothing. Nothing is more disheartening than spending hours (or minutes) of your limited or infinite play time going through Dual Destiny or farming chests and getting Spirit of the Assassin and Spirit of Verity for the fifth or sixth time. I will not ask for an escalating drop chance from chests (even though this would be nice) or ask for increased drops from the exotic mission; please add a "knock-out" system for the class items. We already have it for the regular exotic armor. As you get combinations, you will not get that combination again until you have gotten all the others. As much as I shudder at the idea of running Dual Destiny 64 (probably a bit less at this point) times or farming chests for however long it takes, I will feel better about it, knowing that I will eventually get the combination that I want (Spirit of Galanor and Spirit of Star-Eater). This quality of life change would make our epic battle with RNG much less painful, knowing that we will eventually come out of top with what we want. Thank you for reading and consideration.

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