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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Slash): 7/8/2024 9:08:49 PM

Addressing Exotic class item drops

As it currently stands, It is so so painful to try farm the exotic class items. We need new avenues to acquire them and I come with suggestions. [b]1[/b]. Straight up increase drop rate from chests, add as an option for exotic engram. [b]2[/b]. Have pale heart engrams have a chance to drop them (any pale heart engram source, quests or straight up opening them). For the guardians who unlocked all the pale heart red borders and have no other use for them, I feel like this is a good opportunity to also give another use for them. Maybe even add a engram focusing for the exotic. (10 engrams for 1 roll of the exotic) [b]3[/b]. More sources to acquire them that helps break the monotonous routine which are chests and dual duality spamming. [b]4[/b]. Have a sort of system where we can slot in specific exotic perk combinations. - [i]To follow up on this[/i], I personally like this idea of unlocking a certain perk combo and having it stored and we can swap on demand without the accompanying item bloat in our vaults. There's 64 possible rolls for each class, 192 if you managed to get all the possible rolls. That's a lot of space. If a system like this was placed, It'd be an easier pill to swallow to deal with the current methods of currently obtaining it. Of course there should be drawbacks of being able to swap these perks. Such as not being able to swap perk combos mid-activity so there's no unintentional gameplay shenanigans (swap perks only at orbit) While staying on topic, I'm not asking to have the item handed to us. It'd ruin the whole point of the game, which is to grind. But man, I think everyone can agree here the current system is just so boring and brain numbing. It's gotten to the point where there's an AFK method for it now. Please acknowledge Bungie. I really hope they'll have an update regarding this soon. These are the main suggestions I can immediately think of, any other suggestions should be commented!

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