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7/8/2024 10:27:35 PM

Winters Guile x Penumbral Blast does not work in PVE.

As title says. Winters guile does not allow for melee to instantly cause a shatter —at the very least on prismatic. This exotic was hardly reworked, feel like the rework should actually do what it says though. If it does then it is highly inconsistent. Have not tested when running Stasis yet. Also feel like the Warlords Sigil timer is so frustratingly short for having to actually “kill” enemies with a melee it makes this exotic next to impossible to use in any content because your travel time between enemies is typically more than 4 seconds. Maybe extend the timer, OR make it so based on which melee flavor you are running it applies (freeze/suspend/ignite/blind/volatile)? Just a thought

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