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7/11/2024 5:13:07 PM

Looking for the Absolute Best? We're Right Here.

Hello, my name is Sleep. I'm recruiting for an exclusive endgame PvE clan that is focused on providing consistent, daily raids that are filled with competent and cooperative players named Im Absolute. We operate on the CST and EST time zones. We are a group of players that grew frustrated with the bloat of mega clans and the overall lack of competency from the "Accepting all" crowd of clans. We do expect for you to not come into any raids blind, and to have a rough understanding of all mechanics and encounters. Rust is acceptable, wilful ignorance is not. We seek to bring in and develop the Absolute best players in the game, but also have a desire to remain small enough that each and every member feels like they know and can comfortably raid with any and every member of the clan. As such, we have 5 spots left to join. Here are the baseline requirements: 1. Be 18+ 2. Have, at a minimum, 25 full raid clears on non-sunset raids. 3. Have completed the conqueror seal, or any raid/dungeon seal. 4. Discord and a working microphone. 5. Social Skills These requirements are to ensure a baseline level of playing skill. There is a small amount of wiggle room. Im Absolute is looking to bring in the best, and that should be you. If you're interested, have questions, or want a trial run before making a final decision, let me know. You can reach me here or on discord @A.sleep#6870 Good hunting, Sleep

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