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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/17/2024 2:03:28 PM

Could Amanda holiday be brought back as Amanada?

So I’m sure many people are already aware of the popular theory of Amanda Holiday being brought back as a Guardian. I mean, virtuous human that everyone knows and loves being given the Traveler’s light - very on the nose. But we also know the cruel game the Traveler likes to play with resurrection. When a Guardian dies, they have no memory of their previous life. They mag have some strange soul bonds or connections to other people, but they aren’t concretely backed. So if Amanda [i]was[/i] going to come back, she wouldn’t be Amanda - or at least, that’s how it used to work. One thing I’ve wondered about since the end of the Final shape and all the dialogue about how the Traveler would be affected forever, is how gifts of the traveler would play out. Cause as far as I understand it, we haven’t had a canonical resurrection post witness defeat If darkness is memory, and light is physical form, could the traveler bringing guardians back without their memory be less of a choice and more of a limitation. And if that’s true, could the combing of light and darkness in the traveler mean that it’s capable of restoring a guardian with their body and their memory?
#destiny2 #lore

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