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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/18/2024 1:13:28 PM

Some Promethium Spur love - make it proc rift based abilities, namely Hellion.

The title pretty much. If your rift energy is depleted by proccing its effect (which creates a rift anyway) I feel like things like Hellion (possibly Reaper) and the like should also proc. This would be similar to how Loreley Splendor generates Sunspots off any barricade generation, be that either from harm activation or active placement by the player. Seeing as Devour (when it was grenade consumption-based) used to proc Demolitionist (since grenade energy was consumed), Getaway Artist procs Bleak Watcher and Demolitionist. A similar case could be presented for Ascension with Worm Husk Crown / Radiant Dance Machines (but I think less so) but I feel like an added bit of functionality to this (Promethium Spur), would put some shine on what I can imagine is an underused exotic across the board.

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