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Изменено (Krisander 1998): 7/19/2024 2:22:52 PM

Destiny 1 Progress from Xbox One -> Xbox 360 Doesn't Sync

Recently got all achievements on the Xbox One version finally after so many years where I did the King's Fall Raid on Heroic, but I had an old Destiny 1 disc for the Xbox 360 and saw online that it should sync the progress from Xbox One version to the Xbox 360 version so all loot from Base and The Taken King + all of the achivements from those two section you had gotten on the Xbox One version (All of them) would sync and unlock on the Xbox 360 version. However, it only worked 99% of the way as the Xbox 360 version didn't unlock the King's Fall Raid Heroic achievement I got recently on the Xbox One version. Does it take a little longer for the Xbox One version to sync progress to the Xbox 360 version? Or has that been turned off? I had all other Base and Taken King achievement on my Xbox One version unlocked back in 2016, finally came back and unlocked the last achievement from the Taken King expansion. Not sure if they back in 2016 synced the achievements from the Xbox One version to the Xbox 360 version (50/51) and now doesn't support syncing from Xbox One -> Xbox 360 anymore or if it just takes some time. Been around 5 days since I got the achievement on the Xbox One version.

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