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7/22/2024 6:19:42 PM

Game crashing

Hello. I am running into an issue where the game will freeze, sometimes come back, and then freeze again and crash. It does not give me an error code, crashes to a black screen and locks up (can't access task manager), and then I have to physically restart my computer. I have downloaded the most recent Nvidia GPU driver, updated Windows 10, deleted and re-downloaded D2, and have checked the integrity of the files in Steam. None of these steps fixed the issue and it still persists. I am running a Nvidia 1080 TI, AMD 8350 4.0ghz processor, and Windows 10 64-bit. Is there any thing else I am missing or should try? I appreciate the time and help with this problem. Thank you.
#Help #pcsupport

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  • Изменено (ActionBaztard): 7/26/2024 1:45:04 AM
    I've been having the same problem. My laptop is almost as good as yours, but I haven't had this issue until the latest episode began. I got the download and this is close to the first thing that happened. I logged in, got the season pass, went to the Tower, talked to Ye Olde Gunsmith, and the game locked up when I clicked to unlock my second gunsmith engram. I had to completely restart my system because there was no way to open the task manager nor Alt-F4 to close. The game did it again today, after going about a week without it happening. After I got everything back up and running it did it AGAIN when I tried to speak to Ikora to start the second chapter questline. This time, though, it didn't lock up my system and instead gave me a crash window with an error title (which I forgot). This is the only game that does this. My laptop can play GTA V, Just Cause 3, Warframe, Gauntlet, Star Wars: The Old Republic, X-Planes 11, etc, without any problem. It ran D2 perfectly fine right up until the updates for this latest episode. Bungie; Players aren't having fun when you're releasing updates which haven't been thoroughly tested. Don't be Crowdstrike. Test your software BEFORE release. We players are NOT your game testers. If you're using us as game testers I want to get paid. Send me my paperwork to get my taxes set up. I want a company ID and badge number. Let's get this going. (Or, you know, you could just properly test your software like a NORMAL software producing company. That's always an option, too.)

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  • Hello, Thanks for reaching out! If you haven't already, we recommend that you update your graphics card drivers directly from the manufacturer’s website. This will ensure you have the most up-to-date drivers and can help resolve these types of issues.

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