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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/23/2024 8:33:30 PM

For Economy Team: Ascendant Shard Selling

Hello, I as well as many long term players according to streamer / community sentiment, have run into an issue of overflowing on Ascendant Shards or Ascendant Alloys. This is due to the increased amount of sources that reward them and to the finite use of them once received. With the welcomed inclusion of enhancing randomly rolled legendary weapons, there has become a more common need for Ascendant Alloys. There is no common equivalent for Ascendant Shards (further referring to as "golf balls") that does not also cost additionally exotic-valued materials. With the removal of Legendary Shards, there is now opportunity more than ever to allow golf balls to be traded down. Currently Master Rahool offers the ability to trade up to them, but intentionally has never offered any method of trading down, and neither has any other vendor in recent memory. With the new "Engram Insider Program" reward track Rahool offers, the ability to convert golf balls could be added to the experience of resetting their rank with him through increased reward conversion options. The option to either have him sell large amounts of items that can be converted to glimmer or to have him offer to buy them for glimmer in return would solve the additional feedback that people are running out of glimmer more often. Although there are methods of earning glimmer handsomely, such as heroic public events, there is an opportunity to "kill two birds with one stone" with feedback voiced by the community. Alongside Master Rahool or Instead of him, Xur could also offer some more "strangely exotic" deals that do the same of either converting golf balls into a large amount of materials that trade up to glimmer or converting them to glimmer directly. Who knows what either of them would need with our golf balls, they're both kinda shifty... albeit honest in their business.

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