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Изменено (Deicide): 7/11/2024 5:55:30 AM

Legion of Goobers (LOG) is recruiting!

Wanna play the endgame with a bunch of chill players? Wanting to get in on raids but need a group willing to teach? Tired of needless drama getting in the way of you killing your actual enemies? Then join Legion of Goobers! We are a fresh clan of experienced players who have seen everything from the Cosmodrome to the Pale Heart. We mostly are in U.S. or U.K. timezones but welcome any who want to join! We have both PvE and PvP oriented members and are looking for new players of all interests and skill levels. Discord server is available and encouraged. Dm Deicide#5570 [url=][/url] Or leader Kos#2197 for more info!!! [url=][/url] [url=][/url]

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