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7/25/2024 7:27:15 PM

Dead Zone Revolutionary is open to anyone, including new and returning players! (NA Based)

Hey everyone, We are a newer chill clan open to anyone who wants to join and learn, including new and returning players. We're looking to build a community of guardians who can help each other out with whatever challenges lie ahead! Our clan is NA based, but we have UK/EU players as well. We do not require a time commitment from players and we do not watch over player stats and activity. This is a video game after all, not a part time job! We also have an optional discord that we share with several other clans. Our discord contains various resources such as Charlemange, guides, and sherpas that can help with both PvE and PvP activities. You do not have to join the discord to be part of the clan! If you have any questions or are interested in joining, feel free to comment below or DM me! Clan Link: Discord Link: (You do not need to be a clan member to join the discord!)

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