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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/25/2024 8:41:01 PM

Bungie, this is a good time to tell us the actual drop rates of the class items.

Guaranteed drop from Dual Destiny, if you've got a good partner, you can probably get it done in under 20-25 minutes. If not faster, at least a more surefire way to obtain them. An extra drop per week/ character is nice, but as others have said, it's a slap to the face considering we already had it even if it was a glitch. Hell, you made double nightfall drops a feature and that was a glitch initially. And if you didn't already have plans for it back then, don't forget the 12 player lobby bug people would use years ago for various PvE activities that you eventually made a feature with Excision. Overgrowth, it eventually gets just as tedious as Dual Destiny, which you could probably learn to do blind folded by the time you get your desired roll if it were possible to do solo. Escalating chances are good, higher tiered chests having higher drops are good, and those chances applying to lost sectors and co-op missions is also good depending on those chances. But all not necessarily what players were asking for. I personally just wanted more sources since I don't want to spend all my time in the Pale Heart if I want one item that's locked behind RNG or repeatable missions. And I see one other problem with this for overgrowth: it would encourage players to keep doing it solo, which ironically, is the type of play you seem to hate. I could go into overgrowth matchmaking and complete a tier in 3-5 minutes on average while opening fewer chests as a result of the other 2 players doing their own thing, or I could do it solo and get all the loot myself. Now, I had been told (never fact checked) that chests had a 2% drop rate of the class items. Maybe that varied between the tiers, or maybe a friend of a friend was lying or stupidly lucky to get 4 in under 2 hours opening chests. What are the current drop rates and what are the rates after? Because 2% increased to 5% would still be a significant increase and we'd only have to open 20 chests on average as opposed to 50, not accounting for the escalating chances, but the point still stands. Giving players numbers instead of telling us "we're increasing chances and adding a form of bad luck protection" I can guarantee will get a MUCH better reception.

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