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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/26/2024 4:11:29 PM

For Stasis it'd be such a great buff if Stasis Crystals/frozen targets Shattered instead of disappearing or unfreezing (except for guardians who break out)

For me personally whenever I use Stasis builds I really like to lean into the Stasis Crystal elements with perks like Headstone. They're great for blocking lanes, great for cover and do a fair amount of damage when they shatter. The only issue with Stasis Crystals is they don't shatter when they deteriorate they just disappear. So if you're using them as cover and enemies have been drawn to your location you really have to start going off and often wasting ammo when they would've been significantly weaker or outright gone if the crystal had shattered. It's cool that you can personally shatter a Stasis Crystal, but it'd be a lot cooler if it supported a cover to cover playstyle and acted as a delayed reaction explosive ability

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