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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
9/6/2024 3:08:57 PM

Warlock Bond Bugged

My warlock bond has been bugged for a while now. First noticed at beginning of Solstice and it still has not gone away. My warlock "Bond of the Emperor's Minister" currently has the Season of the Wish Riven bond ornament on it (which it did before the bug), but when I go to change it the game shows all bond ornaments as locked. The ones that I don't have unlocked prompt me to unlock with synthweave when I hover over them as usual, but my already unlocked ones still show a lock symbol but don't have the prompt. I cannot even change back to the default ornament, as the default ornament slot shows a lock and cannot be selected. I'm not sure what to do as I've restarted my game multiple times, done multiple activities, and even swapped off to a different bond and then back to this one. Because I can't change the transmog, it won't even equip the correct bond mods when I swap loadouts. I play on PC on an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X with an Nvidia Geforce RTX 4070.

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