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11/1/2024 8:47:25 PM

Postmaster Bug - Unable to claim "not enough space"

PC PLATFORM: Steam SYSTEM INFO: CPU: Ryzen 7 3800XT GPU: RTX 3070 RAM: 32gb ddr4 GPU Driver Version: OS Version: Win 10 Pro ISP Provider/Speed (upload/download) / Connection Type (LAN or wireless): 1.5gig DxDiag (instructions below): ISSUE: All engrams are stuck in postmaster. Constantly shows not enough space when confirmed there is space. Candy and weapons can be claimed, only all of the engrams stuck (Pinnacle, Legendary, Exotic, Vanguard, Crucible, and Eerie). Stuck engrams are now being deleted due to max space in Postmaster. REPRO STEPS: Picking up an engram from anywhere goes to postmaster to get stuck. ACTUAL RESULT: All engrams locked inside postmaster and unable to claim. *** I've added a link to a clip showing the bug in postmaster and my current inventory to show there is space available***

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