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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
11/3/2024 10:10:47 PM

Could we get a vote to end a comp/trials match (with no rewards) for when there's a hacker?

I just played a game of comp where someone on the other team that was aimbotting with a nameless one shot strand hand cannon. Because there is nothing I can do besides reporting him and praying I left the match and got the 30min penalty for it. Why is it that my team and I are the ones punished for leaving? I think there should be a vote to end games like this, a simple vote to end the game with no rewards. for this vote I believe you should be able to hit a "End Match Coz Hacker" button select the player believed of cheating and call a player vote. because these matches are always 3v3 either the accused and anyone who loaded into the match with them shouldn't be able to vote or if at least half vote yes the match should end with no rewards. If cheaters don't get rewards and those being cheated don't get punished that would improve the game so it doesn't feel like those cheating are just free to ruin the game as they please.

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