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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Tall): 11/21/2024 6:14:59 PM

Glimmer cost me a solo-flawless attempt of Vespers Host..

First damage phase on final boss and as I start to unload my heavy GL, 1 small brick of glimmer lands in my face and barrel stuffs my GL causing me to detonate myself. Super duper cool. I will figure out how to post the clip. I had to manually slow it down myself to realize what happened. It feels like explosive damage weapons are unintentionally hitting objects/projectiles in this game lately causing additional “Killed by The Architects”. +129 glimmer > solo flawless dungeon Edit: Clip posted below. Had to figure out how to post the video from mobile to YouTube. Apologies for the video quality, not sure how to clean it up since I don’t upload videos much at all.

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