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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
2/5/2025 11:46:07 AM

Episode "Heresy" - when you thought it couldn't get any worse.

Yesterday, I thought that the first season was the worst in the history of the game. I've spent 10,000 hours in the game over the years and have never had so much negative gaming experience. I thought - "well, what else can be destroyed in the game?" PVP is given to cheaters, Gambit is dead, PVE is destroyed by the introduction of debuffs (like haste), cursed mobs, the reworking of familiar locations, etc. That was yesterday. And today I launched a seasonal mission... Damn... This is the first seasonal activity that I don't want to play even once! What I saw - locations from the raid and PVP maps, an idiotic "buff" system. And, ta-dam, I can't restore my health normally! The number of revivals is of course limited... Did the developers decide that this is a game for masochistic players??? I want to get positive emotions in the game, and not get mad because I can't reach the throat of that -blam!- who came up with this scenario. There are already a minimum of players left in the game. Why not give them the opportunity to calmly finish the game year they bought? Without negativity?

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  • Yeah I feel bad, I actually went on a rant and started bad-mouthing the company LOL. But it's his ridiculous, I mean it's just insane. Like literally all of my builds have some sort of healing in them whether it be devour or one of my weapons, yet when you're in this Mission they don't work you have to rely on luck from getting life albeit they're extremely small chunks from enemies if they drop it or if you're lucky enough to have one of those pots drop it. I just shut the game down before I went on a rampage. I'm a solo player and I'm not the greatest but I'm not bad, and I went through and I am on the second part of fighting the Tormentor at the beginning of the ship, so I got decently far by myself and I went in there with 11 revives, didn't even matter. Every time I got ready to throw my super the Tormentor who can jump across the entire arena, has football shoulder pads on, and doesn't matter where you're at he's somehow always there and always able to hit you, grabs me out of my super and then takes all my energy away so now I have to wait until I get my super back to try it again. Then if he stops you you go flying off the map and there's one revive gone. If they would make it so health regen this would change everything. They literally made the enemies way harder, you're in confined spaces, none of your mods for healing work, you only have 20 revives, your health doesn't regenerate.

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