In the 3rd section of the nether when having to destroy the weapon systems. There is one sub part where you have to grab the various nodes and kill the tormentor to drop the shield on the weapon system and advance the section. The tormentor glitches into the wall in the small alcove towards the entry point of the level. In doing so he can’t be killed and the run is effectively halted and can’t be completed.
This happened to me a couple of hours ago. Ruined the run. Frustrating.
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. If it's no trouble, next time this happens, please use your platform's feature to save recent gameplay as a video and upload it to YouTube, then send us the link here. We'll be glad to take a look.
This is where it got behind a wall for me:
I had the same issue soloed on Nether normal and Nether expert. I had to go to the arena (where the main boss shows up) to fight tormentor to prevent tormentor from being stuck inside the wall.
Also encountered this issue. This occurred in the Hall of Souls; although I wasn't able to capture a video of it, I was kiting the Tormentor around and noticed that it had some unusual movement around the entrance to the left of the shielded blight where it had darkness energy effects and teleported. I can see on the radar that it is behind the wall and I can hear its voice and it stomping around. Using a Warlock Lightning Surge against the wall also briefly revealed its health bar as well.