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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (BetweenMyself): 2/7/2025 5:07:25 AM

PSA: Progressing the Tome of Want Quest

If you have completed a full Ritual using the [b]Tome of Want[/b] and the Quest from Sloane does not appear to have progressed, you should double check the [i]precise wording[/i] of your current step as you may have actually progressed to Step Two and not realized it. While Step Two of the Quest requires you completing a Ritual (earning three rewards), Step Three specifically requires you slotting a Legendary (purple) Scripture in the second slot of the Tome, again earning three rewards. Step Four of the Quest requires slotting an Exotic Scripture in slot two, but will complete after a single reward is granted. Step Five requires you to earn a total of fifteen rewards from the [b]Tome of Want[/b]; luckily all previously earned rewards count toward your total for this step. Hopefully this helps clear things up for the many people who are having trouble with the Quest. [i]Edit: Corrected Step numbers[/i] (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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