Solo players “We want content tailored to a solo experience.” Bungie “Okay. Try this.” Solo player “ I want my money back.” 😂
Just go in match made. It’s a ton better. Solo sucks big time.
This is why I have to reiterate, making the solo mission the players first impression of the nether was a terrible idea I had a lot of fun playing with other people, and I liked using some of the new weapons to regenerate my health But playing by yourself is not fun
Yeah solo blows. One thing that could imrpove it somewhat is if they didnt instance it. Just make it one big explorable area instead so that it serves some purpose. Today I've needed to go to the foundry but I never land there and having to go through one or two areas first and potentially not even being able to go there at the end sucks. There should have been a patrol option.
The Health mechanic is utter torture. Topped off by a bullet sponged Tormentor boss and it gets elevated to the will to live leaving me. It's THE most lazy way to increase difficulty without actually using a brain to come up with something ORIGINAL. I see why Joe has left Bungle.....
It sucks in general not just in solo.
It's ok but, I don't know which is worse, going solo or playing with randoms who run all over the place
Изменено (ABADDON_WOLFFE): 2/7/2025 10:51:41 PM[quote]I want a refund[/quote] I WISH Bungie actually did this and called you lot on your bluff. I wish they gave your money back and then delete your account entirely.
I enjoy it. 🤷🏻♂️
I understand. Bungie did say it's bugged and they're going to fix it. So who knows?
Asking for a refund is a little too much. Solo 100% sucks Try going in matchmade. It changed my whole perspective of the nether.
Jesus the hate for you is crazy. Don’t listen to the hateful comments.
Why not play on the matchmade version lol. It’s there, it’s faster, it’s easier and you have to do 0 work.
[quote]I want a refund[/quote] So get your money back or attempt to. Posting this on a forum gets you nowhere
The -blam!- off and buy yourself some Red Dead on God of War this game is not for you. How can you be suprised about activity thet is pretty much same as every seasonal for past 4 years? Nether is upgraded Rivens Lair. OH and remember There is no solo in FireTEAM
A bit of advice. Stop pre-ordering, wait and read player feedback, and then make a decision. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread 😉
People asking for refunds from Bungie are some of the funniest people ever. You know exactly what you’re getting yourself into every time, yet you throw money at the screen & complain it ain’t what you want it to be
It was $10 LOOOOOOOOOOL one meal at McDonald’s cost that much. Be for real
They have to have something like that or the solo crowd would blow their lids.
I actually really liked exploring the nether. Its a different experience and has some challenges to take away from the same monotonous battleground grind.
If you dont like it solo then just play the matchmade version. Nothing is forcing you to play it solo.
This is an interesting way to say skill issue.
Изменено (Belga): 2/8/2025 5:57:35 PMbungie defenders came throwing punches under this Guardian lmao
Well whether you're right or wrong that title was poetry.😁
As a solo player I didn’t like it at first either but it’s growing on me, my only issue is the health regeneration but they do give you lots of revive tokens. I’ve only played it on exploration though, I haven’t bothered with advanced because I don’t really care about the weapons. It’s fun finding all the secrets but once I find them all I doubt I’ll go back until I have to for a quest or something.
Its not that bad. Just did my first run. I really don't get the hate. It was quite enjoyable and a good chance of pace from the typical bungie hamsterwheel of crap that's been churned out for the past 5 years.